I’m having weird behavior with Google and Cloudflare DNS responses. I have 4 dynv6.net zones and I update them via Powershell script when I get new IPs. It uses https:
Works well. But not always. Example:
I updated all zones at [2021-04-16 16:49:09 CET]. No errors (‘Addresses updated’).
But so far nslookup sometimes returns the wrong/old IPv4 address for the last updated zone and sometimes the correct/new one. All other zones and all IPv6 addresses are fine.
I know you are saying that not all of the Google/Cloudflare DNS servers have been updated and that it is not your responsibility. But why only the last updated one? And why only IPv4?
If I update the address in the web interface now [2021-04-17 06:18 CET] (I first have to enter a different wrong IP and then the correct/current IP, otherwise it will not be updated), then everything is okay.
This happens several times before. Should I add a wait between the 4 zone updates? The process doesn’t take a second in the script.
Do you have any advice? Thanks!