Inadyn-mt with dynv6, how?


does anybody use inadyn-mt as DDNS client with dynv6?
It´s listed as supported DDNS client, but I can´t find any tips or examples how to configure it.
(not here in the community nor in Google)
Help is really welcome :slight_smile:

Thank you!!

Hi Ulrich

Have you look here :
I think it works with dynv6.


Hi Jocelyn,

thanks for your replay and sorry for my late response :-/ )

Yes, I know this site and yes, I´ve tried many config parameter, but always with the same result:

Thu Mar 11 12:49:36 2021:N:INADYN: DYNDNS my Request:
GET /nic/update?system=dyndns& HTTP/1.0
Authorization: Basic xxxxyyyyyzzzzz11112222333
User-Agent: inadyn-mt/02.28.10_audible

Thu Mar 11 12:49:36 2021:W:INADYN: Error validating DYNDNS svr answer. Check usr,pass,hostname!
Thu Mar 11 12:49:36 2021:C:INADYN:

Fatal dyndns server update error for alias,
This client should be stopped and corrected for configuration errors, and restarted…

Thu Mar 11 12:49:36 2021:W:INADYN: DYNDNS Server response:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: Caddy
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2021 11:49:36 GMT
Content-Length: 0

Thu Mar 11 12:49:36 2021:W:DYNDNS: Failed updating alias table…

Here´s my conf file:

#Unless locatable in one of its default directories, servers_addtional.cfg should appear before using --dyndns_system option to specify servers defined within the file.
#This file resides in inadyn-mt’s ‘extra’ directory, upon archive decompression.

#–svr_add_cfg <servers_additonal.cfg file>
–svr_add_cfg C:\Tools\InaDyn\servers_additional.cfg

–log_file .\inadyn-mt.log
–username password12345
–password test
–update_period 600000
–debug 7

Any ideas?

Thank you very much!!