Hello everybody, I’m trying to set up my fritz box with dynv6. (to access a linux server in my homenetwork from outside)
Only problem I have is: I can’t reach my domain when I have a www in front of the url. so blub.dynv6.com is working but www.blub.dynv6.net is not. How can I change this? Tryed to add a record with www in front for the zone but it does not help. Do I have to add a second zone instead? Or what needs to be done?
A second question: Do I need A records too to be reachable for clients who are using ipv4 or is AAAA enough in this case? If I want to add an A-Record for blub.dynv6.net I have to let name blank (also the forms says Im not allowed to it saves it like this, but dont know if it works?)